Monday, 1 February 2010

January Review, WBCOOP update & Feb targets...

January really hasn't gone to plan. I started the month on a bit of a downswing in the $16s so made the move to the$12 mtt sngs. Since making the switch my results have been a lot better and on the up but I've struggled to find the motivation to put in the kind of volume I'd like. I'm feeling more settled in the mtt sngs now though and am planning a much better month in Feb!

I ended Jan +$604.40 for the month which is very substandard but when you take into account the downswing at the start of the month and my lack of volume - it's not actually too bad an outcome...
Below is my Sharkscope graph for 2010. It's actually missing quite a few tourneys though as my monthly total includes a couple of mtt cashes, rakeback and as I've mentioned in earlier posts - quite a few hyper turbos.


I've only played this half heartedly, when I've been around and missed the grand final all together as i was at an ice hockey match where I'm a season ticket holder. My only cash of the series was ironically in the 8 game where I had to have a quick tutorial on how to play the draw game in it! I was actually feeling quite confident with my play though and managed to go quite deep and pick up a $16.50 ticket. Should've gone deeper but got unlucky when my AK ran into AQ and the Q on the flop spelled the end of my tourney!

Feb targets...

I want to play at least 1000 mtt sngs and earn at least $1500 for the month which should be easily doable if I can find some discipline and motivation to play a bit more!
I also plan to dabble in a few of the higher buy in sngs, mostly the $27 45 and 180 seaters as it should improve my $/hr even if it lowers my roi slightly. I have the bankroll to play them - I just don't quite have the confidence yet! I like to tread very carefully when moving up stakes. I seem to have it in my head that every player will be a pro at the next level up and that I'll lose all my edge at the tables! lol
I also want to at least maintain Goldstar status on Stars and will hopefully be in a position to shoot for Platinum by the end of the month if things go to plan although this isn't a priority for me. I'd just like to have a nice month of earnings as I'm going away touring the West coast of the US in March for 15 days so any extra money I can earn this month will all help toward having some fun in March .
I'll probably mix some multi-table tourneys in again as i've gone deep in some of the one i've played recently and wouldnt mind scoring a nice result in them again!

I'll post again in a few days and let you know how well (or more likely badly) Feb is shaping up!

Until then... Thanks for reading & GL at the tables!

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