Saturday, 11 September 2010

WCOOP & quick August review.

The WCOOP is underway at Stars as we speak. As much as I'd like to be taking part, the buy ins are a little large for my very depleted bankroll - Mainly through lack of play the last few months but continuing to dip into the roll to pay the bills! I'm hoping to satellite into some shortly though!
As far as August went, another very dry month. Finished the month +$164.28. I found myself playing $20 plo8 cash towards the end of the month just for fun. PLO8 seems to be the only form of poker i feel comfortable playing in cash format (except razz... Ive done quite well in the razz games on Full Tilt in the past!). I wont bother going into detail on my games as its not really worth it. Ive literally just had a table or two open while watching tv a few evenings...
So far in September I've played a bit more. Up until today it was just an hour or so each evening for fun. Ive been stuck at home all day today though as my cars having some work done on it so its off the road. I put in almost 6 hours of 'grinding' low stakes sngs/mtts on Pacific.
It went terribly! Ran awfully, unable to win regardless how well i get it in. I'll refrain from moaning too much though :)
Ended the day -$97.70, well below EV. Still up $32 for the month though! That'll buy me lots... lol


alexandra said...

where are you?=(

Ivydrive said...

Hey Alex
I tweeted you but guessing you don't use it too much.
I've not been posting much as i've not been able to play!
Bought a new pc in Jan and had endless problems the last few months with it freezing almost every time i try to play a session which gets quite costly when i play super turbos... lol
Its still in the process of being fixed but i've today given up on it and decided to go and invest in a nice new 27" iMac. Just need to find some decent poker tracking software without spending a fortune as Hold'em Manager don't have a mac version yet! sigh

I'll update soon :) x